Installation of Alternative Power Systems

  • Project List

    • Install Photovoltaic Solar Panel Array
    • Install Ground Source Heat Pump

    Projects executed under RHS Policy EB, Environmental Sustainability, to invest in alternative power systems for savings in school operations costs and as support to classroom instruction in math, science and social studies.

    Independence Elementary School rooftop solar array In 2017, Independence Elementary School received a 230KW photovoltaic solar array with net metering and an integrated control system (pictured on this page); one of the first schools in South Carolina to be net zero energy under its own renewable energy system. The site has proved concept after two years of operation, reducing the operating budget for power by over 95%. The system was a capital purchase with a 60% rebate from the utility provider.

    This project will apply this concept to other schools on a priority basis. As the concept is still new and rebates or other assistance are not currently available, a limited number of sites will be selected. Candidates will be selected according to Return On Investment (ROI), practicality of location, ease of installation and maintenance, and potential for use as a teaching tool.

    In addition to solar power systems, candidates for wind turbine power, ground source heat pump HVAC systems or other renewable energy systems may be considered. Projects should comply with district guidelines for a simple payback ROI of less than 14 years. Power systems will requires a net metering agreement with the local utility. Rebate Programs could provide partial funding and reduce capital outlay estimated. 


Estimated Total

  • $1,000,000

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