- Rock Hill Schools
- Federal Programs
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Federal Programs
For more information contact Dr. Tonya Belton, Director of Federal Programs, at 985-3510.
Title I
Rock Hill Schools receives Title I funding. We currently serve nine schools with Title I funds: The Palmetto School, Ebenezer Avenue Elementary, Ebinport Elementary, Independence Elementary, Northside Elementary School of the Arts, Oakdale Elementary, Richmond Drive Elementary, Sunset Park Elementary and York Road Elementary. District Set-Asides provided a Title I Coordinator, Core Content Integration Specialist, Literacy Specialist, and Math Specialist.
Services provided from Title I this year include: Software for computer programs, support from Reading Recovery, Interventionists, Math Coaches, Instructional Coaches, and parent and family engagement sessions. Title I funds are used to purchase many leveled reading books, extra math materials and supplies, and help to provide additional training and staff development for teachers in order to meet the needs of all students. Parent and family engagement is encouraged in all Title I schools through opportunities to visit in classrooms, serve on committees, offer recommendations and suggestions, and attend meetings and workshops.
Neglected and Delinquent/Title I
Children’s Attention Home receives Neglected and Delinquent funding. New Hope Carolinas (NHC) is a fully accredited private school under SACS. New Hope receives Title I N & D funds. Student population ranges in age from 12 to 21. NHC can serve grades fifth through post-graduate. All students enrolled in school at NHC have been placed here by the Department of Social Services, Department of Juvenile Justice, private referrals from case management agencies, and court ordered through Family Court. All of NHC's students are separated by gender for school and the average class size is 8 to 10 students. NHC is a year round school with twelve week semesters divided by one week Teacher Work Weeks. NHC provides behavioral health care services to emotionally disturbed children and adolescents who have high-risk behavioral disorders and sexual aggression. The students at NHC have significant impairment in their cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and social functioning. The mission of the education department of NHC is to provide a highly structured learning environment that focuses on social, personal, and academic development. NHC's goal is to provide smooth transition as students return to the community.Title II
Title II serves to promote increases in student academic achievement through strategies by strengthening teacher and administrative quality, as well as supporting the recruitment and retention of highly-qualified educators.
Title III
Rock Hill Schools receives Title III funding. Rock Hill Schools’ English to Speakers of Other Language program serves over thirteen hundred students from over thirty plus countries and over thirty plus different languages.
Nineteen certified English to Speakers of Other Languages teachers serve our schools. In addition, a full-time ML/ESOL Coach is available to serve our schools and staff.
Title IVThe Title IV, Student Support and Academic Enrichment {SSAE) program focuses on increasing the capacity of districts to provide all students with access to a well-rounded education, improve school conditions for student learning, and more fully utilize educational technology to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all.
The purpose of a well-rounded education is to provide enriched curriculum and education experiences to all students. It includes programs and activities that integrate multiple academic disciplines. A well-rounded education starts with early learning opportunities that make time for exploration and continues with K-12 education that helps students make important connections among their studies, their curiosities, their passions, and the skills they need to become critical thinkers and productive members of society. In addition, a well-rounded education promotes a diverse set of learning experiences that engages students across a variety of courses, activities, and programs in subjects such as English, reading/language arts, writing, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, geography, computer science, music, career and technical education, health, and physical education.
The second purpose of the SSAE program is to improve school conditions for student learning. When students are healthy and feel safe and supported, they are more likely to succeed in school. Generally, the SSAE program funds may be used for any program or activity that fosters safe, healthy, supportive, and drug-free school environments, including direct student services and professional development and training for school staff.
In addition to supporting a well-rounded education and safe and healthy schools, a portion of the SSAE program funds must be used for increasing effective use of technology to improve the academic achievement, academic growth, and digital literacy of all students. When carefully designed and thoughtfully applied, technology can accelerate, amplify, and expand the impact of effective practices that support student learning, increase community engagement, foster safe and healthy environments, and enable well-rounded educational opportunities. Technology can expand growth opportunities for all students while affording historically disadvantaged students greater equity of access to high-quality learning materials, field experts, personalized learning, and tools for planning for future education. Such opportunities can also support increased capacity for educators to create blended learning opportunities for their students, rethinking when, where, and how students complete different components of a learning experience.
Title IX
Rock Hill Schools is committed to providing equal access to educational and employment opportunities regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, pregnancy, age, sex (including gender identity), sexual orientation, spousal affiliation, or any other protected trait or characteristic, as may be required by law. Find more information here: https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/domain/2830