ADA & Codes Compliance

  • Project List

    Based on 2019 RHS ADA Audit and other sources. Does not include general building or fire protection codes compliance.

    ADA icon Note: work in this project may be accomplished as part of large Modernization Projects, with funds from this project allocated to those projects as appropriate.

    After many years of facilities upgrades to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related codes the district proactively commissioned an audit of all facilities and grounds to determine steps needed for continued compliance with current ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Since compliance is mandated with any renovation project, projects listed as part of the Modern Learner’s Environment are top priority. Priority is further given to the audit report’s Priority 1, building approach and entrance access.

    Priority A: Approach and Entrance Access for Renovation Projects

    Priority B: Other ADAAG Upgrades for Renovation Projects

    Priority C: ADA Compliance Upgrades for Remaining Sites

Estimated Total

  • $4,787,012

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