Asbestos Abatement & Capital Renewal

  • Project List

    • Work required as part of ongoing implementation of RHS plan approved under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).

    The SCDHEC approved AHERA Plan includes prioritized abatement of asbestos containing materials (ACM) identified in the approved plan. Removal sub-projects are implemented both as part of renovation projects when the scope of work will disturb encapsulated (non-hazardous) ACM, and as deliberate removal projects for other sites still containing encapsulated ACM. Hazardous materials inspection, testing and design services for such projects are included in the scope of this project.

    This project also includes selected capital renewal (major maintenance and repair) work which is both incidental to environmental compliance and/or of an urgently identified nature to continue operating schools at expected levels. Also includes work to reduce the backlog of major interior and exterior painting renewal, for facility life extension.

Estimated Total

  • $1,360,924

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