Energy Retrofit Projects

  • Project List

    • Projects executed under RHS Policy EB, Environmental Sustainability, to retrofit building component systems for the purpose of saving funds paid for utility bills, while improving the quality of the learning environment and the health of faculty, staff and students.

    This work continues prudent investment projects begun under the Build On The Rock program which replace and upgrade or tune up and repair existing building component systems which directly impact district utility bills for electricity, natural gas and water consumption.

    Work includes window replacements and retrofits, enhanced wall and roof insulation and weather-stripping, interior and exterior lighting, water heating, Heating, ventilation and air conditioning and refrigeration systems replacements and upgrades, and other selected sustainability retrofits.

    Projects beyond 2024 will target replacement of systems installed under the 2006 Energy Performance Savings (NORESCO) contract, which have reached the end of useful life.

    Projects will be developed for selected sites based on latest energy management program data, and will be reviewed and approved by district procedure as having a Return On Investment (simple payback method) of less than 12 years.

    Replace T-8 lighting with LED / Install Integrated Classroom Lighting Systems

    Replace Single- and Failed Double-Pane Windows / Upgrade Windows

    Miscellaneous Retrofits

Estimated Total

  • $2,250,000

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