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- Gifted & Talented
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Elementary Gifted and Talented Programs
Identification Criteria
South Carolina’s gifted and talented programs are established and guided by state
Regulation 43-220.
More information can be found on the SC Department of Education website.
All students enrolled in a South Carolina public school participate in universal gifted and talented (GT) screening in Grade 2 via the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and Iowa Assessment (IA). The CogAT measures natural aptitude and reasoning while the Iowa Assessment measures achievement in reading and math. Both assessments are nationally normed and are used to provide initial data for GT qualification; students will have additional opportunities to qualify for GT services. Students must meet criteria to qualify for gifted services via Option 1 or Option 2 as described in the chart below.
SC Gifted and Talented Identification Criteria
Dimension A: Aptitude
Dimension B: Achievement
Dimension C: Performance
Option 1:
GT-96A composite (total) score of 96% APR* or greater from a SC SDE* approved full-scale aptitude assessment.
Not required
Not required
Option 2:
A qualifying score in two different dimensions
(A, B, or C).
A score of 93% APR* or greater in one of the following sections of a SC SDE* approved aptitude assessment:
Verbal /Nonverbal /Quantitative /Composite
SC Approved Assessments:
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) or
other national aptitude assessment on SC SDE* approved list.
Aptitude assessment scores are valid for five years.
A score of 94% NPR* or greater in one of the following sections of a SC SDE* approved achievement assessment:
Reading Comprehension / Total Math
SC Approved Assessments:
Iowa Assessments, NWEA MAP, or
other national achievement assessment on SC SDE* approved list.
SC Ready is approved but uses GT cut scores set annually by the SC SDE*.
2024 GT Cut Scores
3 625 647
4 683 646
Achievement assessment scores are valid for two years.
Performance is evaluated only if Dimension A or B criteria has been met.
SC Approved Measures:
Elementary - SC Performance Tasks
Grade 2: 16/20 in Verbal or Nonverbal
Grade 3: 18/20 in Verbal or Nonverbal
Grade 4: 16/20 in Verbal or 22/28 in Nonverbal
Grade 5: 18/20 in Verbal or 25/28 in Nonverbal
Performance scores are valid for one year.
* SC SDE = SC State Department of Education, APR = Age Percentile Rank, GPR = Grade Percentile Rank, NPR = National Percentile Rank
Neither private testing nor assessment scores taken prior to Grade 2 can be accepted to identify and place students in South Carolina GT programs.
Students identified using state criteria in one South Carolina school district are eligible for services in any South Carolina school district.
Students who participated in gifted classes in another state must meet South Carolina GT criteria unless they have documentation of GT identification from one of the following states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington, West Virginia, or DoDEA.
All assessments used for identification must take place face-to-face with a certified proctor.
Once students are identified for GT services, they will remain qualified throughout their school careers.
In grades 3-5, identified students may participate in a resource pull-out program, as approved by the SC State Department of Education. Classes are taught by GT-endorsed teachers. This program is designed to complement regular classroom instruction and follow grade level curriculum maps.
Schools with fewer than 12 state-identified students on a grade level may use Local Identification to include some students who meet criteria determined each year by the district. Parents must attend an informational meeting and sign permission to participate, with the understanding that students are served only in specific schools and placement is on a year-by-year basis.