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Refer Someone...
Do you know a student or family that could benefit from the programs/services offered at ParentSMART?
If yes, please download and print the referral form below, then email or fax it to Cindy Taubenkimel, Coordinator.Submit completed forms to:
ParentSMART - Rock Hill Schools
Sylvia Circle Family Learning Center
929 Sylvia Circle
Rock Hill, SC 29730-5768Email | Fax: 803.981.1906
Cindy Taubenkimel, Coordinator
Thank you for your interest in
ParentSMART - Rock Hill Schools - Parent Education & Family Literacy Partnership.
"Where Parents are at the Heart of Education"
Parent Education & Family Literacy Partnership
Parent Education Partnership | Family Literacy Partnership
Do you ~
* live in Rock Hill?
* have a child 24 months to 5 years old?
Would you like to ~
* get your GED/high school diploma or learn English?
* enter a career field and increase your income?
If you answered YES to ALL of these questions,
then the ParentSMART - Family Literacy Partnership
is the right program for you and your child!
Cindy Taubenkimel, Coordinator
Email | Phone: 803.981.1557