Refer Someone...

  • Do you know a student or family that could benefit from the programs/services offered at ParentSMART?
    If yes, please download and print the referral form below, then email or fax it to Cindy Taubenkimel, Coordinator.

    Adobe PDF  ParentSMART Referral Form

    Submit completed forms to:

    ParentSMART - Rock Hill Schools
    Sylvia Circle Family Learning Center
    929 Sylvia Circle
    Rock Hill, SC 29730-5768

    Email | Fax:  803.981.1906

    Cindy Taubenkimel, Coordinator

    Thank you for your interest in
    ParentSMART - Rock Hill Schools - Parent Education & Family Literacy Partnership.
    "Where Parents are at the Heart of Education"

Parent Education & Family Literacy Partnership

  • PS



    Parent Education Partnership | Family Literacy Partnership


    Do you ~

    * live in Rock Hill?

    * have a child 24 months to 5 years old?

    Would you like to ~

    * get your GED/high school diploma or learn English?

    * enter a career field and increase your income?

    If you answered YES to ALL of these questions,

    then the ParentSMART - Family Literacy Partnership

    is the right program for you and your child!


    Cindy Taubenkimel, Coordinator

    Email | Phone: 803.981.1557