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Math Curriculum Resources
Math instruction in Rock Hill Schools is designed to provide students with concepts and skills that enable them to use math in their everyday lives and future careers.
Instruction also prepares students for success in the state testing program. The curriculum at every grade level is based on the South Carolina College- and Career- Ready Standards for Mathematics. The standards include key concepts that organize the content into broad categories of related standards. Students also receive instruction in the processes of problem solving, reasoning, connections, communication, and representation.
Instruction is provided through a variety of strategies. Teachers give students work that is meaningful and engaging. There is a focus on problem solving (with real world applications) and using math in ways that make sense to students at every grade level.
Students have a variety of appropriate digital tools to use in learning math.
For additional information, please contact:
Lukas Hopper
Rock Hill School District Three
PO Drawer 10072
Rock Hill, SC 29731
(803) 981-1055
EmailMath Science Partnership Grant: Vertical STEM Initiative
The Vertical STEM Initiative (VSI) is a partnership between Rock Hill School District, York Technical College, and Winthrop University to provide perfessional development aimed at deepening teachers' understanding of science, technology, engineering and math skills; so the teachers may mroe adequately integrate these subject areas and lead students to think like problem-solvers. The four schools participating in the VSI are Oakdale Elementary School, Saluda Trail Middle School, South Pointe High School, and St. Anne Catholic School.
Curriculum Maps
6th Grade Advanced Curriculum Map
Intermediate Algebra Curriculum Map
Geometry Honors Curriculum Map
Algebra 2 Honors Curriculum Map
Pre-Calculus Honors Curriculum Map
Homework Help and Math Games
Math Forum Mathematics GameTeacher Resources
Listed below are several additional resources for students and teachers to enrich the learning of mathematics.
Resources for Teachers
Virtual Library of Manipulatives
NCTM Illuminations
Learning About Finances
Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools
Math Counts
Texas Instruments
College BoardProfessional Development for Teachers
Online Professional Development Courses
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)