
  • Contributions of time, talent, and resources are donated to the Rock Hill Schools and The Rock Hill School District Foundation. The Partnership framework encourages contributions of time, resources and talent for Rock Hill School Districts by creating school and community wide partnerships with businesses, civic organizations, faith communities, and individuals.

    Rock Hill Schools model partnerships using a multi-level partnership model.  Businesses, civic groups, government agencies, organizations, and faith communities enter into a two-way relationship to address the goal of enriching and enhancing the school experience for students.  The South Carolina State Department of Education has recognized Rock Hill Schools for partnership, volunteer, and service learning opportunities annually for over 20 years.

    Level 6: Partners in Special Services:                                                       

    Partnerships which provide short term project or student specific activities or resources to help with a specific problem or need, such as rewards, scholarships, donating or sharing equipment, educational material, sponsoring student teams, etc.                                                                                                                                              

    Level  5: Partners in the Classroom:

    Partnerships which provide business volunteers who improve the learning environment by bringing their business expertise directly into the classroom for students and teachers, or bringing the classroom to business.

    Level 4:  Partners in Professional Development

    Partnerships provide opportunities for school personnel to update, upgrade, maintain their skills or learn more about the labor market, industries, businesses in the community, workplace needs and career opportunities.

    Level 3: Partners in Management

    Partnerships which provide school officials with management support and business with expertise in a broad range of areas. 

    Level 2: Partners in Systemic Improvement

    Partnerships in which business, education, and community leaders identify the need for reform or improvement in the educational system and then work over the long term to make those major changes happen in the system.

    Level 1: Partners in Policy

    Collaborative efforts which shape the public and political debate, bring about substantive changes in state or federal legislation, or local school governance and affect the overall direction of the educational system.

    View Rock Hill School District's Multi-Level Partnership Model