• NOTICE: The original bond referendum voting date of March 31, 2020, has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will the bond referendum be postponed due to COVID-19?

  • What is the tax impact on a vehicle?

  • 21st Century Learning should involve entrepreneurship.  Are you doing anything to prepare students to explore small business development as a career? 

  • Where do SC Public Schools rank in the United States?  Where do Rock Hill Schools rank among South Carolina Schools?

  • Can you define “Modern Learning Environment”?

  • ATC has been about welding, car repair, cosmetology, etc.  They seem to be bleeding into STEAM programs and with goals to make ATC a state of the art school, why wouldn’t that be the vision for South Pointe?

  • If every school gets a maker space how is South Pointe set apart as a STEAM school?

  • Why build a new elementary school when enrollment is low at other elementary schools?

  • Will the Sullivan building be repurposed?

  • What will happen to Cherry Park Elementary School of Language Immersion if Sullivan is demolished?

  • Where is Sullivan going to move to?

  • What does “various sites” mean?

  • A few of the elementary schools were built in the late 40’s and early 50’s. Why is York Road a higher priority?

  • Why only 5 years instead of a longer term?

  • What cost savings?

  • What security?

  • Regarding the new York Road Elementary School, where on the site will the new building be built? Will the new playgrounds move? Why a 900 student capacity building? Will more support staff be added with the larger enrollment? 

  • What are you doing to address the age of schools like Ebinport?

  •  If other schools are modernized with makerspaces, what makes South Pointe High School (home of the high school STEAM program) different? Why are all “modernization” enhancements the same?

  • How do we distinguish choice schools and distinctly determine the difference between schools? 

  • Why do some buildings have to wait longer for construction to start? For example, Belleview Elementary not starting until 2025 when its oldest building was built in 1955.

  • How would the construction management be handled?

  • How much of this cost will be just to change the way buildings look?

  • Where can we get a copy of the enrollment forecast and utilization studies?

  • What do we mean by safety? More guards/officers? Technology?

  • With the growth of charter schools, what is your projection for growth over the next 10 years since you are building and/or expanding buildings? 

  • With a projected student increase of only 297 students in the next 10 years and excess capacities in our current elementary (3300 empty classes) and middle school (approx. 1300 empty classes), why do we need to build 2 new elementary schools and a new middle school?  Why not rezone and close some existing elementary schools and at least one middle school?

  • Is Finley Road Elementary planned to be closed and used for other purposes?

  • With some schools closing and/or moving and new schools being built, is the district looking into rezoning the schools in the district?

  • What is covered by federal funds, state funds, city funds via bond referendums, Ed Foundation funds, fundraising, additional student fees?

  • Have means of other funding been explored?

  • How is the tax millage calculated?

  • Maybe the Panthers could sponsor the northeast elementary.

  • What proof to have that past bond issues have resulted in improved student achievement?

  • Why are no students currently at Sylvia Circle Elementary?

  • What is a bond?

  • Why is a bond needed?

  • Who can vote in this bond referendum (do I have to live in the city limits of Rock Hill)?

  • How much is the total bond amount?

  • If the bonds are approved, how much will taxes increase?

  • How much will this cost homeowners on their primary residence?

  • How does this impact homeowners who are 65 years old and have applied to receive the Homestead Exemption?

  • How much will this cost business owners?

  • Businesses hurt by this increase? Burden is too much. 

  • Is the chart showing that millage will increase by as much as 58.4 mills if the referendum is approved accurate?

  • What is the ONE plan?

  • I’ve heard this is the first of two bond referendums planned. Is this true?

  • Is the district planning to close schools?

  • What school will students attend while a new school is being built?

  • Is the school district giving money to the Panthers?

  • Why was March 31 chosen as the referendum date?

  • How involved were the teachers and student in the process of creating this bond referendum?

  • How does this bond referendum compare with other school districts?