• NOTICE: The original bond referendum voting date of March 31, 2020, has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Ballot Question

  • On December 9, 2019, the Rock Hill Schools Board of Trustees voted 7-0 to call for the March 31, 2020 bond referendum. A Certified Copy of the Resolution Ordering Bond Resolution is accessible here.


    The below question will be on the one-question ballot for voters within the Rock Hill School District boundary on Tuesday, March 31, 2020:

    Local Question

    Rock Hill School Dist. 3

    Bond Referendum

    Shall the Board of Trustees of Rock Hill School District No. 3 of York County, South Carolina (the “School District”), be empowered to issue, at one time or from time to time, general obligation bonds of the School District, in a principal amount of not exceeding $294,800,000, the proceeds of which shall be used to construct, improve, equip, renovate and repair school buildings or other facilities within the School District or the acquisition of land whereon to construct or establish such facilities as follows:

    • Projects Related to Safety, Security and Costs Savings – Continuation of district-wide upgrades to campus security including video surveillance, access control, alarm and warning systems, security fencing, public address, intercom, emergency radio and other communications upgrades; improve access for first responders; renovate, upgrade or replace infrastructure relating to water, sewer and stormwater systems; energy efficiency retrofits to reduce annual costs; installation of alternative or renewable energy systems; and other upgrades required to be made in compliance with local, state or federal codes or regulations; replace and upgrade facilities services, custodial, grounds and transportation shop equipment; replacement of support vehicles and school buses

    • Projects Related to Renovation, Modernization or Replacement of Existing Facilities and Equipment or Construction and Equipping of New Facilities - Major maintenance, modernization, renovation, renewal, improvement, expansion, addition to or replacement of existing facilities; constructing and equipping of new facilities where appropriate; improvements to technology infrastructure; improvements to school grounds and campuses; renovations and modernizations in support of school choice programs; and upgrade of furnishings, fixtures and equipment.

    • Projects Related to Arts, Athletics and Wellness – Replacements and improvements to playgrounds at elementary schools; additions and renovations to physical education rooms/gyms, art and music rooms at elementary schools; additions and renovations to band, orchestra, chorus rooms and drama spaces for middle schools and high schools; renovation and improvements of or replacement of athletics facilities at high schools and middle schools; improvements or additions to or replacement of high school auditoriums; and renovations and improvements or replacement of district stadiums.

    If the voter wishes to vote in favor of the question, select “Yes, in favor of the question”; if the voter wishes to vote against the question, “No, Opposed to the question.”

    Ο Yes, In favor of the question

    Ο No, Opposed to the question

    Download Sample Ballot

    Click image below to download ballot.
    Sample Ballot

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