- Northwestern High School
- Graduation Requirements
School Counseling
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Requirements for High School Graduation
To be promoted to Grade 10:
One English credit, One Math credit, and Four additional credits (Total of 6 credits)
To be promoted to Grade 11:
Two English credits, Two Math credits, One Science, One Social Studies, and Six additional credits (Total of 12 credits))
To be promoted to Grade 12:
Three English credits, Three Math credits, Two Science credits, Two Social Studies credits, and Eight additional credits (Total of 18 credits)
Language Arts ..............................................4 Units
Mathematics.................................................4 Units
Science........................................................3 Units
U.S. History..................................................1 Unit
Economics ..................................................1/2 Unit
Government.................................................1/2 Unit
Other Social Studies.....................................1 Unit
PE, JROTC, or Marching Band with PE*......1 Unit
Approved Computer Literacy........................1 Unit
World Language** or CATE elective***........1 Unit
Personal Finance****.................................1/2 Unit
Electives (including health)**...................6 1/2 Units
Total ........24 Units (Minimum Diploma requirments does NOT meet College Admission requirements)
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