- Northwestern High School
- Make Up School
State Policy Regarding Failure Due to Absences
The State of South Carolina deems that a student cannot miss more than 6 days of school each semester. If the student misses more than 6, they are required (by law) to attend a Make Up School session. Each day over 6 requires 1.5 hours per class per day of Make Up School. For example, if a student misses day 7, all 4 blocks - 6 hours of MUS are required. If a student only misses 1 block on day 7 - 1.5 hours are required.
A program was initiated by the State called Competency Based Credit. The criteria for the CBC is that the student makes a 60 or better on the final semester exam AND a 60 or better final semester grade they can exempt seat time. Only EXCUSED absences may be made up under CBC guidelines. Students not meeting this criteria must attend MUS. Hours are provided after grades are in.
There are 2 forms: the MUS form and the CBC form. Both must be signed by the student, and the CBC is taken home for the parent (guardian) signature. The form must be returned to be counted.
A $20 fee will be added to the student's account for each session served. Fees may be paid online @ https://rockhillsc.csiepay.com/
For questions about Make Up School or CBC, contact Ms. Gravley at 803-981-1928, or by email at sgravley@rhmail.org.