Uphold high expectations for academic achievement.

    Expect success and tell your child you expect their best.

    Provide secure, stable, safe home environment.

    Join school groups such as School Improvement Council, PTO/PTA, Booster club, etc.

    Limit television, video and computer games.

    Set a bedtime to provide adequate sleep and rest.

    Provide adequate nutrition.

    Get child to school on time every day.

    Talk with child about school; know their friends.

    Visit your child’s classroom.

    Help child find homework support through friends, after school programs, homework buddy, and teachers.

    Check homework to be sure completed.

    Designate well lit place in home to study.

    Stay involved in child’s whole life by monitoring activities.

    Know where and with whom your child is.

    Talk to other parents.

    Establish parent networks to communicate how to provide positive activities and safe environments for children.

    Communicate with teacher by phone, letter, e-mail, or personal visit.

    Build partnership with child’s teacher to promote successful school experience.

    Attend school events and child’s performances.

    Serve as school volunteer.
    Follow public policy that impacts your school.

    Ask for information from school to help you as a parent.

    Ask for information from school on how you can help your child with schoolwork.

    Recognize that as a parent your role changes as your child grows.

    Recognize that parental involvement in high school is equally as critical as in elementary and middle school.

    Be a parent first, be a friend second.

    Model your behaviors in ways you desire your children to follow, i.e. let them observe you read, limit your television viewing, visit school, be active in community, be inquisitive.

    Encourage your child to be physically active.

    Tell your child encouraging words every day.

    Show your child you love him/her.

    Learn about child development for each stage of growth from infancy to high school.

    Get to know your child’s guidance counselor.

    Talk with your child, teacher, and guidance counselor on “how to be successful in school.”

    Request information about state requirements that impact on your child and seek clarifications through PTA/PTO, principal, and teacher.

    Show your child you are interested in them at school and in their school, i.e. talk with your child everyday about what he/she did in school, about the friends they have made at school, and inquire about the things on display in their classroom.

    Inquire about the school’s/teacher’s expectations for parent involvement.

    Read to your child and let your child read to you.

    Adopt the D.E.A.R. theory: Drop Everything and Read, i.e. on a daily basis.

    Stimulate your children’s thoughts; ask questions.

    Provoke curiosity to start an intrinsic learning pattern.

    Check your child’s attendance daily.

    Let your child know and see that you support school efforts.

    Keep interested and informed; ask about curriculum and request copy of course syllabus.


    Teaching Good Study Habits