- Northwestern High School
- Counseling Staff
School Counseling Services:
Northwestern High School is staffed with six school counselors who serve students based upon the SC Comprehensive Guidance and School Counseling Plan.
Counselors advocate for students and provide them with academic and social/emotional support. Counselors are usually available in their offices before, during and after school. We are also staffed with a full-time Career Counselor who organizes career interest opportunities and can assist students with career-related needs.
NHS offers students individual mental health counseling with therapists from the RHSD and Stepping Stones. Please contact your student's school counselor for a referral to get connected with mental health services for your student.
NWHS Counselors
Guidance Office: (803) 981-1223Counselor Student Last Names EmailMs. Christina Bednarz A - Ch cbednarz@rhmail.orgMs. Ali Dean Ci - Gi adean@rhmail.orgDr. Brandynne Herrington Gl - K bherrington@rhmail.orgMs. Christine Burkhart L - N cburkhar@rhmail.orgMr. Maurice Herrington O - Si mherrington@rhmail.orgMs. Shayla Scott Sk - Z smscott@rhmail.orgOtherMs. Charlesia Tucker Career Counselor ctucker@rhmail.org