Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the Choice application process "first come/first served" or lottery-based?
    The Choice application process is lottery-based. Those who apply on the first day of the window and those who apply on the last day of the window have the same chances of selection.

    Do any of the Choice Programs have a 3K and/or 4K option?
    The Montessori program includes 3K and 4K programs; this program is tuition-based and is included within the Choice application process.

    If my child is in 3K or 4K in the Montessori, do I need to apply for the school’s Choice Program?
    No, you do not need to re-apply but will receive a letter of intent in the spring semester.

    Is transportation provided for all programs?
    Yes! Transportation is provided for all School of Choice programs.

    How do I arrange transportation for my child?
    Transportation is provided for all School of Choice programs. To arrange transportation for your child for the upcoming school year, please request using this online form.

    May I remain at a School of Choice school if I withdraw from the program within the school?
    Students who withdraw from the School of Choice program must enroll in their zoned school.

    Do I have to apply for School of Choice if I live in the school zone? 

    If I am zoned for a School of Choice Program and move but want to remain in the program, what do I do? 
    You do not need to fill out the application. Please contact the registrar at the School of Choice to update your address. To arrange transportation at the new address for your child, please request using this online form.

    Which applicants are given priority? 
    Priority is given to:

    1. applicants living within the school’s zone,
    2. applicants with siblings enrolled in the program on the same level (elementary, middle, high), and
    3. Rock Hill Schools employees.

    I was not offered a slot for my 1st or 2nd choice program. May I be considered for or added to the waitlist for other programs? 
    Applicants who are not offered slots for their 1st or 2nd choice program may be considered for other programs for which there is availability. Applicants who are not offered slots in their 1st or 2nd choice program will not be added to the waitlist for programs for which there is not availability.

    If I am offered a slot in my 1st choice program, but change my mind, may I still be considered for a slot in my second choice program? 
    If an applicant declines the offer of their first choice, they will not be granted an offer in their second choice or any other Choice program.

    If I currently live outside of the school district but will be relocating within after the Choice application deadline, may I apply for School of Choice? 
    If a potential applicant relocates to the Rock Hill Schools area after the deadline, please wait until the following year to apply.

    Can all middle school students apply to the High School STEAM Program?
    All middle school students are eligible for South Pointe's STEAM program. Students who are currently enrolled at Saluda Trail Middle School must apply but will do so without having to complete the "STEAM worksheet" that is a part of the application. Students not currently enrolled at Saluda Trail Middle School will need to apply and are required to complete the STEAM worksheet. Please note that all middle school students must complete the application in order to be accepted into the HS STEAM program.
    Students enrolled in STMS- application
    Students not enrolled in STMS- application and STEAM worksheet

    Are students who have been accepted into the South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics (SCGSSM) Accelerate program also required to complete a Choice Programs application?
    No, students who are accepted into the SCGSSM Accelerate program are not required to complete a Choice Programs application.

    If I have a child in the middle school Immersion Program (rising 6th-8th grade at the time application is submitted), is my elementary Immersion applicant given priority admittance? 
    No, the sibling priority only applies to admittance into a program on the same level (elementary, middle, high).

    If I have a child in 5th or 8th grade in the Immersion Program, do I need to apply for Immersion for 6th or 9th grade?
    No, parents/guardians of rising 6th grade and 8th grade Immersion students will be given an opportunity to express their intent to transition to the middle school Immersion program via an intent to transition form to be distributed by the school at the end of the first semester.

    Are the siblings of students in French Immersion given priority in Spanish Immersion (and vice versa)? 
    No, students will be given priority for the Language Immersion Program of the language in which their sibling is currently enrolled.

    How are students removed/withdrawn from Choice Programs?
    Students who have been accepted for School Choice will remain in the choice school for the entire academic year unless the student demonstrates excessive absences and/or tardies.

    Parents who wish to withdraw a student from a Choice program should notify the School of Choice of their decision to leave and then contact the registrar of the zoned school to enroll there.  Please note that students who are withdrawn from a Choice program may not re-enroll or re-apply to the Choice program.

    Students who are withdrawn from a Choice program will return to their zoned school.