In our Language Immersion Program, students will learn all state standards in language arts, math, science, and social studies and they will deeply acquire a second language in either French or Spanish. Students become bilingual, bi-literate, and bi-cultural. Students are well prepared to impact others in a global environment positively. This program is for families who want to learn a second language. All students from all backgrounds are welcome in this program. It is good for every child.
How It Works:
- The elementary programs provide half-day instruction for math, science, and target language literacy in the target language and half-day instruction for other subjects in English.
- In middle school, students in the 6th grade take social studies and an advanced world language course. In 7th and 8th grades, students take two courses, which are an advanced world language course and a culture course.
- In high school, students will continue pursuing advanced level courses including dual-credit opportunities at the local university.