Auto Collision
  • Collision Repair & Refinish

    Level 1 - One semester/one block. Intro to Collision Repair (SP2 & I-CAR PDP-EE) 17 Nationally recognized certificates available.
    Two main tasks focused on are small dent repair and color correction/color-sand and buff.
    Level 2 - One semester/one block. Non-Structural Repair (SP2 & I-CAR PDP-EE level 1) 15 Nationally recognized certificates available.
    Tasks studied - dent repair, panel replacement, plastic welding and more.
    Level 3/4 - One semester/two blocks. Refinish (SP2 & I-CAR PDP-EE level 1) 11Nationally recognized certificates available.
    Tasks studied - prep for paint, top coat application, color-sand & buff and more.

Phone: 803-981-1100


Degrees and Certifications:

Multiple I-CAR certifications (since 1991) Multiple industry certifications ASE Master Certification

Mr. Mark Dellinger

15 years in industry/20 years in education.
Multiple I-CAR, SP2 and ASE certifications.
RHS/ATC alumni, 2 boys RHS educated.