• Students who must take prescription medicine during school
    hours must store it in the health room and follow the medication policy.
    Students may bring over-the-counter medications (i.e. Tylenol, Advil, etc) and
    keep on their person, as long as the medication is in the original packaging.
    No medicine is to be shared or given to any student other than the student who
    has permission to carry the medicine. Penalty for distributing medication to
    other students is suspension or expulsion from school and possibly police
    charges. This is district policy.

    Students may be authorized to carry, monitor and
    self-administer inhalers, insulin pumps, glucometers or epi-pens with written
    permission from the student’s health care provider and parent/legal guardian.
    This form may be picked up in the health room. The parent/legal guardian will
    sign a statement acknowledging that the district will incur no liability as a
    result of any injury arising from taking or using medications or
    self-monitoring devices by the pupil and that the parent/legal guardian will
    indemnify and hold harmless the district and its employees and agents against
    any claims arising out of the self-monitoring or self- administration of
    medication by the pupil. 

    Receipt of the above will authorize a student to possess
    and administer medication while in the classroom or on school grounds, at a
    school sponsored activity, in transit to and from school or school sponsored
    activities, or during before or after school activities on school operated

    All other prescription medications must be kept locked in
    the health room and administered by the nurse or delegated agent with written
    permission from the parent/legal guardian and principal.  One permission
    slip per year per medication with the following information must be sent to the

    Child’s name, Physician’s name, Physician’s Signature and contact information

    Name of medicine

    Time to be administered

    Dosage and side effects  

    Neither the school district nor its personnel will be
    responsible for the occurrence of any adverse drug reactions when the
    medication has been given in the manner prescribed. The district may revoke a
    student’s permission to self-administer medication if the student endangers
    him/herself or others through misuse of the monitoring device or medication.

    SC Law 5l9-64-80  (See the school nurse for Medication
    Permission Form for Medicines at School)

    Prescription Permission Form

    Prescription Permission Form - Spanish