- Northwestern High School
- Michael Abraham
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Phone: 803-981-1212
Degrees and Certifications:
Michael Abraham
I am honored to introduce myself as the Principal of Northwestern High School, a distinguished institution synonymous with Excellence. My professional journey through education has been a fulfilling one, encompassing roles ranging from a Physical Education teacher to an Athletic Trainer, Sports Medicine teacher, and finally, an Administrator.
What fuels my passion for this role is my commitment to guiding young minds as they navigate life, empowering them to blossom into individuals who contribute positively to every facet of society. I am an advocate for students believing in themselves, striving for greatness, and ultimately, becoming catalysts for positive change in the lives of others.
A guiding principle that resonates deeply with me is a quote from the philosopher Plato, which states, "The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself." This timeless wisdom encapsulates the essence of self-mastery and growth that I strive to instill in our students as they journey through their educational experiences.
On the personal front, I am immensely blessed to share my life with the most incredible wife, who stands as my pillar of support. Together, we are blessed parents to two exceptional sons who constantly remind us of the significance of nurturing and guiding the next generation.
Beyond my professional endeavors, my family and I find joy in exploring new destinations, engaging in spirited competitions, and seeking solace and community in our shared faith through attending church. These experiences enrich our lives and reinforce the values of commitment, grit, and spiritual connection.
As Principal of Northwestern High School, I am wholeheartedly committed to fostering an environment where students are inspired to believe in themselves, aspire for greatness, and create a positive impact on the world around them. Together with our dedicated faculty and staff, supportive parents, and enthusiastic students, we will continue to uphold the legacy of Excellence that defines Northwestern High School.