- Independence Elementary School
- Testing
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA): This assessment is a developmentally appropriate instrument that measures a Kindergarten’s school readiness across multiple domains. Understanding a child’s school readiness helps kindergarten teachers best meet the child’s needs, and it helps schools, families, communities and policy makers know how best to support young children as they enter the K-12 environment. KRA determines each child’s readiness level from an evaluation of four domains: Social Foundations, Language/Literacy, Mathematics, and Physical Well-Being. KRA provides a snapshot of students’ abilities at the beginning of the school year. This assessment must be completed within the first 45 days of school.
FASTBridge Universal Screener: Act 213 requires that all districts must give a universal screener to all Kindergarten and 1st grade students to determine their risk level in the area of reading. Although this is a mandate, RH Schools finds this universal screener to be a best practice to begin providing necessary interventions to students in need as quickly as possible in the areas of reading and math. All students in Grades K-2 will be assessed using this screener. This assessment is brief, and provides us the ability to assess each of the required reading and math skills in one platform.
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and IOWA Assessments: Annually, each October, RH Schools administers these assessments, an aptitude and achievement assessment, to students in Grade 2 for the purpose of identifying students for Gifted and Talented programs by demonstrating high performance ability or potential in academic and/or artistic areas. RAVENS, a nonverbal test made up of 36 multiple choice questions, is administered in February or March of each year to students in first grade to help identify students for Gifted and Talented programs.
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): This assessment is designed to measure a student’s academic achievement and growth over time in Reading and Math. Together, with other classroom based information, MAP results can help teachers make instructional decisions that match the needs of each child. MAP is a computer adaptive assessment and is a nationally normed, standardized achievement test. Students in grades 1-9 take MAP administration in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. After your child takes the MAP assessment, your child’s teacher will be able to tailor instruction to challenge your student, whether your child is achieving below, at, or above grade level. MAP Growth student reports also present learning goals by subject areas so that, through a teacher’s guidance, your student can individually see his/her progress and be inspired to take charge of their own learning.
Click the link for more information regarding SCReady