• Promotion and Retention

    In order to comply with state law and ensure continuous and appropriate progress from grade 9 through grade 12, the high schools have established regulatory guidelines to follow Rock Hill Schools Board of Trustees Policy IKE and Administrative Rule IKE-R (Promotion and Retention, revised 2015). In Grades 9 through 12, in order to be eligible for promotion to the next grade classification, students must have earned a minimum number of units, as specified below. Note: Policy IKE and/or Administrative Rule IKE-R may be revised during the 2023-24 academic years. If promotion requirements are changed, changes may be applicable immediately for all students. Students and families will be notified of any changes.

    To be promoted to grade 10, a student must pass a minimum of 4 units of credit to include: One English credit (English 1) One math credit Two additional credits

    To be promoted to grade 11, a student must pass a minimum of 10 units of credit to include: Two English credits (English 1 and 2) Two math credits One science credit One social studies credit Four additional credits 10

    To be promoted to grade 12, a student must pass a minimum of 16 units of credit to include: Three English credits (English 1, 2 and 3) Three math credits Two science credits Two social studies credits Six additional credits