• Parental Involvement

    South Pointe Academic Booster Club

    Academic Booster Club supports the students and teachers of South Pointe. We reward academic
    achievement on a quarterly basis as well as help with the awards ceremonies at the end of the year.
    We sponsor senior scholarships. We also provide Teacher Appreciation days throughout the year.
    Contact email:Email
    Website: sphsacademics.wixsite.com/abc1 

    Meeting times: Third Tuesday of the Month at 5:30pm via Zoom

    South Pointe All Sports Stallion Booster Club
    South Pointe Athletic Booster club provides an active independent organizational structure to promote
    and support the athletic endeavors of South Pointe High School. SP Athletic Booster club plan and
    implement fundraising and financial support programs within district guidelines to promote South
    Pointe athletics.
    Contact email: Email

    Website: sphsallsportsboosterclub.com Meeting times: Booster meetings are the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:15 p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88035727353

    South Pointe Band Boosters
    The band boosters goal is to support the needs of the South Pointe High School Band program
    through volunteer work and raising needed funds.
    Contact email: Michele Sarver Email or
    James Turner Email Website: www.bandofthunder.org

    Meeting times: Most 2nd Tuesday’s of the month at 7:00 PM

    South Pointe Choral Booster Club
    The SPHS Choral Booster Club supports the choral program by fundraising, planning social events
    and opportunities for choral students and their parents, and addressing other needs that arise.
    Contact email: Andrea Wiegand Email

    Meeting times: Second Wednesday of the Month @ 7:30


    South Pointe School Improvement Council
    The School Improvement Council (SIC) is an advisory council to the principal that is focused on
    school improvement.Contact email: Email 

    SIC Agenda

    SIC Letter to Parents 23-24

    Meeting times:

    Second Tuesday of the month via Zoom


    South Pointe Theatre Booster Club
    The Theater Booster clubs supports the Drama department by helping with fundraising as well as
    ticket sales and concessions for theater performances.
    Contact email: Email

    Theatre Arts website: http://www.stallionrep.com

    Meeting times: As needed