• School Schedule, Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

    School Hours: 


    Full Day 4K Session Classes 7:25 a.m. - 1:55 p.m

    AM Session Classes     7:25 a.m. – 9:55 a.m.                           
    PM Session Classes     11:15 a.m. – 1:45 p.m.   

    School Schedule: 

    Central CDC and ATC 4K follow the RHSD Calendar with a few exceptions. We commence the school year with a staggered start. If your child attends a half day class, they do not have school district early release days. We end the school year approximately one week early to screen students for the following school year.

    Transportation Changes: 

    Your child’s safety is our first and most important priority. Transportation changes will not be accepted after 10am (AM Session) and 2pm (PM Session). All transportation changes must be submitted in writing or made in person. This is in accordance with RHSD Board Policy JLIB Student Dismissal Precautions - For early or otherwise irregular dismissal the principal will authorize release only when it is requested in person or in writing by the student's parent/legal guardian.  

    Bus Riders: Arrival and Dismissal

    Morning Class Bus 
    Arrival: Your child will board the bus with neighborhood students, ride to the home school, and be transported from the home school to Central/ATC.  
    Dismissal: A bus will pick up your child at Central/ATC and bring them to a location as designated in writing by you.  
    *Please be prepared to meet the bus, as children are not allowed to leave a bus without an adult to receive them.

    Afternoon Class Bus 
    :  Your child will be picked up at a designated location and brought to school.
    : A bus will transport your child from Central/ATC to the home school to ride home with neighborhood elementary school students.

    Full Day Bus 
    :  Your child will board the bus with neighborhood students, ride to the home school, and be transported from the home school to Central.
    : A bus will transport your child from Central/ATC to the home school to ride home with neighborhood elementary school students.

    *It is important to meet the school bus, as young children are not allowed to leave a bus without an adult to receive them. If no one is available to meet the bus, the child will be brought back to Central/ATC. 

    Bus Transportation Questions:  980–2022 or 980–2023


    Car Riders: Arrival and Dismissal  

    Morning Drop-Off Time: 7:25am                           Morning Dismissal Time: 9:55 am
    Afternoon Drop-Off Time:
    11:15am                      Afternoon Dismissal Time: 1:45 pm

    According to SC Law, all children under 6 years old weighing under 40 pounds must ride in a car seat.  All children under 6 years old weighing 40-80 pounds must be in a belt positioning booster seat. A more detailed and specific description of this law can be accessed here: Article 47 Child Passenger Restraint System. If you do not have the appropriate car seat or booster seat and cannot get one, please contact the school office or your child's teacher and we will help you get one.  Children should not get into cars without the appropriate safety seats.


    • If you are parking and walking your child into the building, please do not park in the spaces by the drop-off line.  For your safety, be sure to use the crosswalk to get across the car line. We discourage idling vehicles (cars, buses, & vans) in our parking areas, except when vehicles need to idle in extreme heat or cold to maintain interior or engine temperature.
    • If you are in the car line, please stay in your car until a teacher opens the car door and lets your child out. Keep your child belted in the car until this time.  For safety, teachers will open only the right passenger side door and your child must exit the vehicle from this door. Exit the car line as soon as the car in front of you moves and you can safely pull forward.  Do not go around a stopped car.
    • Arrival doors will close/lock at 7:40am and 11:30am. If you arrive after the doors have closed, please drive to the front of the school, park in the side parking lot, and sign your child in at the office.  *The front drive is for bus traffic only.


    • Please make sure your blue car tag is visible so your child can be called.  If you do not have your blue car tag, please park and go to the front office with proper ID to sign your child out.
    • If you are walking and meeting your child at the door, please bring your blue tag and stand back a few yards from the door. Your child will be called for you. 
    • For safety, we discourage idling vehicles (cars, buses, & vans) in our parking areas, except when vehicles need to idle in extreme heat or cold to maintain interior or engine temperature.
    • If you are waiting for your child in the car line, please follow these steps: 
    1. Pull your car forward as directed by the teachers and place your car in "Park".
    2. The teachers will open the passenger door for your child to enter.
    3. Buckle your child into his/her car seat.  Do not move your car until your child is buckled safely. *It is also acceptable to park or pull your car up to the very end of the car line if additional time is needed to buckle your child in safely. 
    4. Exit the car line as soon as the car in front of you moves and you can safely pull forward.  Do not go around a stopped car.
    5. If you arrive after the doors have closed, please come to the front of the school, park in the side parking lot, and come to the office with proper ID to sign your child out.  The front circle is for bus traffic only.

    ** All school doors are kept locked. Our priority is keeping our children safe. 

    **All students are expected to wear a bus or car nametag to and from school each day. A nametag will also be placed on your child’s backpack with a zip tie for added safety. Please help your child become responsible by reminding your child to place the nametag in their backpack after arriving home each day. This practice also encourages independence and organizational skills.