• Bearcats Exploring Science & Technology

        Acknowledging the curiosity of the human mind and the inquisitiveness of future innovators, Bearcats Exploring Science & Technology (B.E.S.T) was designed to give students the engine needed to propel their investigation for the natural world.  As members of B.E.S.T., students are required to find answers to their inquiry by using scientific methods. Upon finding conclusions, students share and publish their results in form of presentations to their peers. Discussions and deliberations are generated to further understand scientific findings which leads to advancement of knowledge. In addition to scientific investigation, B.E.S.T. encourages its members to give back to the community by volunteering service to communal work. Most importantly, B.E.S.T. strives to provide the student body with a healthy environment in which students can learn, investigate, and communicate scientifically.  
    What is BEST?


    Requirements for Membership in BEST

    1. Attend Monthly Meetings (2nd Thursday of the Month)
    2. Complete 10 Hours of Community Service Per Semester (Tutoring, Bulletin Board, Service Projects, etc.)
    3. Participate in Club Fundraising
    4. Present One Student Interest Presentation per Year (Demonstration, Power Point, Video, etc.)


     How Can I Join?

    Requirements for Membership in

    South Carolina Junior Academy of Science

    1. Attend One Annual Meeting or Workshop
    2. Pay Membership Dues ($15 - Scholarships Available)
    3. Participate in Either the Science Quiz Bowl OR Present an Original Research Project at the Annual Conference

    Our meetings are held the second Thursday of each month after school in Ms. Walker's room (B131).  You may also contact Ms. Walker at vwalker@rhmail.org for more information.  


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