- RHS Enrollment & Verification
- Apply to Our Programs
Apply for the 2025-2026 school year NOW.
Rock Hill Schools offers a limited 4K, pre-kindergarten program.
(If you are new to the district and wish to register for Kindergarten use the New Student Enrollment option.)
Children must be age 4 on or by Sept. 1 and reside in York County District 3 to attend classes for four-year-olds.
Your child is a New Student if:
- Your child has never attended a school in Rock Hill Schools OR
- Your child was not active in Rock Hill Schools on the last day of school for the 2024-2025 school year, OR
- Your student left Rock Hill Schools during the current school year, went somewhere outside the district and now needs to re-enroll for this school year.
Note: If your child is enrolled in any 4K program at any school in Rock Hill Schools, you will complete the verification process in the spring as a Returning Student.
Apply as a new 4K student for 2025-2026: https://rockhill-registration.hosted.src-solutions.com/login